The RectangleGauge simply draws a rectangle on the screen with a specified line width and corner radius.
Attribute | Mandatory? | Value Type | Description |
x | Yes | Integer | The x coordinate of the bottom left of the gauge |
y | Yes | Integer | The y coordinate of the bottom left of the gauge |
w | Yes | Integer | The width of the rectangle in pixels |
h | Yes | Integer | The height of the rectangle in pixels |
visible | No | Integer 1 or 0 | Whether the rectangle should be displayed or not when the page is first loaded |
colours | No | String | Defines the colour of the rectangle. See the colour definitions section for more information. |
colours_script | No | String | Defines a script used to calculate the colour. See the scripts section for more information. If a script is defined, then the colours attribute is ignored. |
thickness | No | Integer | Specifies the width in pixels of the line used to draw the rectangle. |
cornerradius | No | Integer | Specifies the radius in pixels of the corners of the rectangle. If no radius is specified, there will be no curves on the corners. |