Console Commands

You can open multiple SDC consoles at the same time. I often have one open monitoring the system log while I am doing developer related things in another one.

  1. datalog
  2. edit
  3. n command
  4. p command
  5. go command
  6. x command
  7. y command
  8. w command
  9. h command
  10. page command
  11. translate command
  12. Composite command
  13. Vault command
  14. Attr command
  15. Canbus command
  16. Mon command
  17. Map command

Console commands are not typically case sensitive but there may be some scenarios where they are. In those situations, it should be obvious. The command and subcommand strings themselves are not case sensitive.


The datalog command encapsulates a number of subcommands, as follows:

datalog shutdown - shuts down the application, carrying out the same procedure as occurs if an application shutdown message is received or a shutdown touch action is performed. See the Controlled Shutdown section for more details.

datalog unzip <filename> - unzips a compressed file onto the disk in the current directory.

datalog activation - reports the activation code of the device.

datalog pause - pause datalogging. This does not close the current log file. If logging is resumed, writing will continue to the same file.

datalog resume - resome datalogging if previously paused. Does nothing if not paused.

datalog new - close the current log file and start the next one.

datalog cleanup - delete all datalogs numbered up to but excluding the current log file index number.

datalog reset - reset the log file index number to zero. If you execute this, before cleanup, cleanup won’t do anything because the index number is 0.

datalog night - put the display into night mode (headlights on mode)

datalog booted - bypass the ‘wait for master’ part of the startup sequence, which holds the boot screen on until the designated master is ready. Relevant for canbus only.

datalog ff <secs> - fast forward the playback by <secs> seconds.

datalog debug - puts the page into debug mode so that any gauges set as debug only will be drawn.


The edit command is used for rudimentary editing of gauges. This includes being able to position them on the screen and see their current position, change certain attributes of a gauge.

The edit mode does not provide any means to update the XML directly. Use it to position gauges and the manually change the XML on your PC/laptop.

edit on - turn on edit mode

edit off - turn off edit mode

edit live - alter the position of the current gauge (only when edit mode is on)

When edit mode is on; The ‘n’ command moves to the next gauge

The ‘p’ command moves to the previous gauge

(You will see the gauge highlighted on screen and the name and its location will be printed on the console)

The ‘edit live’ command puts the console into a mode where the currently selected gauge can be moved. When in live mode, use the cursor keys to move the gauge around the screen, and hold down ctrl to make bigger moves. Press ‘q’ to exit live mode. You will see the new position of the gauge reported back to you. Use the coordinates to edit the XML.

n command

In edit mode the ‘n’ command changes the gauge being edited to the next one. When not in edit mode, the ‘n’ command highlights the next TouchGauge on the page. The highlight will disappear after 15 seconds if no other action is taken.

p command

In edit mode the ‘p’ command changes the gauge being edited to the previous one. When not in edit mode, the ‘p’ command highlights the previous TouchGauge on the page. The highlight will disappear after 15 seconds if no other action is taken.

go command

If a touchgauge is highlighted after using the ‘p’ or ‘n’ commands while not in edit mode, then the go command will execute the touch action of the gauge.

x command

x <x coordinate> - in edit mode, the x command with an integer parameter sets the x coordinate of the gauge x - by itself, x reports the x coordinate of the gauge currently being edited.

y command

y <y coordinate> - in edit mode, the y command with an integer parameter sets the y coordinate of the gauge y - by itself, y reports the y coordinate of the gauge currently being edited.

w command

w <width> - in edit mode, the w command with an integer parameter sets the width of the gauge w - by itself, w reports the width of the gauge currently being edited.

h command

h <height> - in edit mode, the h command with an integer parameter sets the height of the gauge h - by itself, h reports the height of the gauge currently being edited.

page command

page list - list the page number and title of all of pages that were loaded from the xml

page next - move to the next page; order defined by load order which is the same as the output of ‘page list’. Any page used as a composite on another page will not be included.

page prev -move to the previous page. Same rules apply as next.

translate command

translate live - use the cursor keys to move the whole page into view. Useful if you have loaded a page that was designed for a higher resolution display than the one you are using and you want to be able to see the parts of it that currently off screen. Also use the + and - keys on the keypad to change the scale of the page. None of these settings are remembered. Press ‘q’ to quit the live mode.

translate x <x position> Set the x translation to the specified position. Can be negative.

translate y <y position> Set the y translation to the specified position. Can be negative.

Composite command

composite - list the composites available on the page

composite next - jump to the next composite group. Wraps around to the first group, or does nothing if there is only one group on the page.

composite live - enables you to move the current composite around the page using the cursor keys, much like translate live or edit live. Use + or - on the keypad to scale the composite. Press ‘0’ to reset the composite back to its original position and scale. Press ‘q’ to quit.

Vault command

This command is now removed. Use the SDC Tools vault creation utility instead.

The vault is explained in the Image Vault section.

Attr command

attr - list the available data attributes.

attr <attribute name> - show the current value of the specified attribute.

attr <attribute name> <value> - set the attribute’s value

Any changes to an attribute’s value will be immediately overwritten if it is being supplied by another data source such as the Speeduino serial connection or playback. Note that some attributes are internal and should not be altered. You’re unlikely to do any harm but you might need to reboot if you change something you shouldn’t.

Canbus command

Only useful if you have a canbus device connected.

canbus send <id> <byte 0> <byte 1> … <byte n> (max 8 bytes) - send the described canbus message on to the canbus network. All values are integer. Note that putting a message onto the network means that the device you are using to enter the command will not see it. You must have two devices on the network and can then have either device see canbus messages entered on the other device’s console. You do not have to send all 8 bytes; send only as many as needed.

canbus pausecast - pause the canbus rebroadcast if you have a datamode that uses it.

canbus resumecast - resume canbus rebroadcast if you have a datamade that uses it.

Mon command

mon - monitor the system log forever.

mon stop - stop system log monitoring in any console sessions that have it enabled.

mon <time in seconds> - monitor the system log for the specified time. To see what has recently been put into the log use ‘mon 1’. The system will dump all messages received since the log was last viewed, and then return the prompt after 1 second.

Map command

map - list the available engine maps

map ve - dump the VE (fuel) map. Primary map only.

map adv - dump the Advance map. Primary map only.

map afr - dump the AFR Target map.

When load and RPM bins are dumped, you will see the raw value. For RPM, the numbers are usually dumped divided (i.e. the bin values are multiple by 100 to get an actual RPM). For Load, the numbers are usually shown divided by 2 (so multiply by 2 to get the actual load you would see in TS). Similarly the maps will show a raw value. In the case of the AFR target map, the numbers are shown multiplied by 10, so 147 is of course 14.7 AFR Target