The StaticStringGauge simply places a label on the screen in the specified font and colour. Perhaps I should have called it LabelGauge!
Attribute | Mandatory? | Value Type | Description |
x | Yes | Integer | The x coordinate of the bottom left of the gauge |
y | Yes | Integer | The y coordinate of the bottom left of the gauge |
string | Yes | String | The text you want to put on the page |
fontsize | Yes | Integer | Size of the characters |
colours | Yes | String | Colour reference - see page on specifying colours |
visible | No | Integer 1 or 0 | Defines whether the string’s initial state is visible or not |
font | No | String | Name of the font you want to use. If not specified, the default font is used. |
rotation | No | Integer | Specifies a rotation angle for the gauge. |
shearx | No | Float | Specifies shearing in the x direction. This produces an italic effect. Negative values are allowed |
sheary | No | Float | Specifies shearing in the y direction. Negative values are allowed. |
alwaysontop | No | Integer 1 or 0 | Defaults to 0. If set to 1 then the string will be drawn every frame. This enables it to be placed on top of other dynamic components using gauge position and/or Z order |