Boot Logo Customisation

SDC boots with its own default logo as standard but it is possible to override this logo and provide one of your own.

The standard boot logo is compiled into the executable. It can’t just be a file on the disk otherwise that file cannot be opened until after the application has started and initialised the SD card, by which time it is too late to display a logo. By then you just want the cluster page to open.

Instead the boot logo is compiled into the executable as a binary resource so that when the executable starts it can immediately display the logo while it completes the rest of the startup process. This includes initialising the SD card, reading the page configuration, loading any images associated with gauges, and finally displaying the default (or last used) page.

Users can update the boot logo to an image of their choosing using the SDC Tools. There is a limit to the available size, and your logo must be in a BMP file which is in turn compressed into a ZIP file.

Download the SDC Tools