SDC Version 1.50 Release notes

Version 1.50 Enhancements

Support for the Haltech protocol

SDC can now receive data over canbus directly from a Speeduino ECU using the Haltech protocol. To enable this you will require a CANBus license and an I/O hat with CANBus support.

Configuration of this protocol requires setting the datamode to ‘haltechcanbus’, setting the baud rate to 500, and the canbus clock rate must be set to match the crystal speed of I/O hat you are using, using the new externalcrystal= setting (see Here). This setting defaults to 8 if not specified. I/O hats from version 1.6 onwards have a 16Mhz crystal, so this setting must be added for those.

Support for the BMW Canbus protocol

Support has been added for the limited set of BMW canbus messages broadcast by Speeduino. For further details, see the Canbus Support section, and the Speeduino Wiki.

Support for the VAG Canbus protocol

Support has been added for the limited set of VAG canbus messages broadcast by Speeduino. For further details, see the Canbus Support section, and the Speeduino Wiki.

Version 1.5 fixes

CANBus Clock Rate

The CANBus clock rate now defaults to 8mhz instead of 16Mhz. It is possible to configure in the old value of 16 either for compatibility reasons, or if you have an SDC I/O hat with a CANBus clock rate of 16Mhz. I/O Hats starting from version 1.6 have a 16Mhz clock rate. The version is printed on the silkscreen of the I/O hat, and the crystal will have 16.000 written on the top of it if it is 16Mhz.

SDC Tools

The SDC tools release has not changed since the previous release, therefore you should use SDC Tools version 1.40 with SDC version 1.50.

Upgrading from 1.41

To perform an upgrade from 1.41 you can download the upgrade zip file, extract it to a temporary folder, and use the SDC Tools ‘Software Update’ feature.

SDC 1.50 has a minimum requirement of SDC Tools version 1.40 so you may need to upgrade the tools if you are upgrading from an SDC version prior to 1.40. If you are on an earlier version of SDC tools, then first use the tools to upgrade SDC, then upgrade the tools afterwards.